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sorry for this big gigantic space): |
I went courty's hse 2dae. IT WAS SO FUN HAHAHAA!! I left my house at about 9.45am, walke dto the mrt station, took mrt to Orchard, found the bus-stop 'without directions', took bus to Pandan Valley, came down from bus, walked downhill[I was supposed to walk uphill]:X , kinda lost my way-.-", saw a 'Singaporean' lady so asked her:
ME: hello, excuse me do u noe where is Cavendish Park?
Lady: OH its that side that side[points straight], den turn that side[points right][smiles]
ME: okay thank you!
I IMMEDIATELY realised that she was Korean as soon as i talked to her and my reaction was like 'COOL! I hav never talked to a Korean before.' She sounds like Sun from 'Lost[MY FAV SHOW]' So I followed the directions she gave me AND I GOT 2 CAVENDISH PARK!!!
I walked in and asked the guard where was block20 n he was like there[points right] and i was OKAY chill..so i walked 2 block20 n saw ANOTHER sercurity guard i walked 2 lobbyA and i went into the lift and i pressed'5' den the lift nvr move, so i came out and this electrician went in and he was like ' U dont hav a pass? Use the intercom thingy' and i was' um okay thank you' so I started pressed the digits and the last step was 'press the call button' I was so blur n I didny noe which was the call button[lol] so I asked the guard n he keyed IN 4 ME(: so I took the lift up and courty's maid welcomed me[ so nice of her!], when i went to the living room and I saw Courty's mum[She asked me wad's my name](: ,still no sign of courty, den i saw this room's door FILLED with Click5 pics haha and finally courty came outta the bathroom that is only the begining!
We used the computer and she showed me her acc[FINALLY], she blogged, played music and thing else? I WAS DYING 2 PLAY HER XBOX SO I KINDA 'FORCED' HER 2 LET ME PLAYXDXD WE PLAYED MIDTOWN MADNESS[ IT SOOOO ROCKS ILOVEMIDTOWNMADNESS], HALO2, watch tv while eating lunch, CONTINUE HALO2 N FINALLY I PLAYED CONKER COS SHE DIDNT WAN 2 PLAY COS IT WAS 17+ -.-" ITS NOT EVEN BLOODY AT ALL N THE CHARACTERS SEEM SO CUTE(X After that I 'taught' her how 2 play the song ppl usually play during recess last year(: , we went on the net and she showed me 'HAPPY TREE FRIENDS' its so cute! and the 'bumbumsong' HAHAHAA SO FUNXD
When her tuitor 4 piano came I went off lor[with my pressie THKS SO MUCH I LOVE IT! ITS SO NICE SIA]
Sorry people this post is gonna be extra extra loooongg please bear with me(:
After that I went 4 the BBQ and it was funXD Trica, phoebe and Michelle were throwing ice down my back[lmao] and although I didnt eat much I still enjoyed ourselves after all the eating sam bay's elder sis and younger sis brought us to the TV room and we watched 7pm shows on chl 8 and U(: at 8 i went back home to pack my clothes!Im going 4 holidae tomorrow 2 K.L so people dun miss me cos I will be back 4 tuition on Tue(:
those were some of the photos i took with my frens (: ENJOY!! |
I changed my blog song againX) The hoildaes so boring): HouseworkhouseworkANDMOREHOUSEWORK): I think the 'webpage' i created during the infocomm class, rocks!i shall try and upload it in here... in my next post(: haha. Aiyah im so forgetful everytime I 4get to change my font colour): this time i mus change mann! Im so bored nobody to irritate. I hav been mapling like siao although i noe im not supposed to, I should do more of my homework but i dunno how to do): IM SO IN NEED OF HELP!!! Court help my create blog archive i tried and it SORTA worked but i dun like lehh....Oh yea thks 4 the pressie although i havent gotten it yet-.-I blogged on my sis blog, haha, i hate her blog colour: Pink. If u ppl out there wana tag her blog, it is www.chocolate-craze.blogspot.com and remember to tag! I shall try and post my webpage(: |
I came back frm camp on Fridae. It was so fun but tiring.The seniors complain camp too short liao and i was like 'huh?Too short?' I think too long liao..make me so tired.I saw court during dinner time and she gave the wombat, it so cuteXDXD and the starburst sweets which was so shiok that when my sis saw it she chiong and opened the packet and started eating like a pig LMAO THKS COURT U ROCK!!!! My team 4 the amazing is Mattea, Tsi Yinn and Naz[tt's her name in short form i think] and opur facililator[sp?] was Chere.It was so fun our grp kinda quit at the orchard section[there was 3 sections: Sch, around suntec area(eg esplanade), Orchard and bonus is Little India] hahahahah so funXD most grps quit at tt point where we had 2 find Penang Park: dancing lady. Only 1 grp went 2 Little India and tt was Jean's grp=D Ms wong was supposed 2 confiscate our phones but i didnt want 2 give so i hid it in my bag,then EVIL COURT went 2 call my hp and ask me 2 go out, I was SO stupid 2 hav brought the phone out and Michelle saw it and confiscated my phone): I slept at 11.50 suddenly at 12 ppl sang a happy birthdae song 2 gen cos it was her birthdae and i got awoken by itLOL.After tt i went back 2 slp until at bout 2am i woke up , slept again, 4am woke up , slept again, 5am woke up , slept again ,6am woke up , slept again until 7(: Ms wong sang her not-so-nice Eldelwise song and every1 except 4 Pei shan immediately woke up LMAO!! Fridae we played a few games most of which were acting(: And at 12+ WE HEADED HOME=D SATURDAE I arrived at the cultural centre at 9.45 am only 2 noe tt we were supposed 2 meet ms tiru at 11.30 so i asked Seraphina if tt was the rright place and she said 'no' its near the NUH so walked 2 NUH and halfway through i called court and asked her if she could check out if i was on the right track and she kept saying' Kent Ridge Cresent' and i was 'ehh where issit arr ' then i finally realised it was where I WAS and i was near NUH already so ppl out there, a word of advice: pls do not ask serahpina if u r going the right way. At 11 seraphina came, 11.30+ seniors Karen, Chersy, Michelle Tiong and Gen came we called ms tiru and she got some dance ppl 2 escourt us in [haha so grand!] and we were given tags whenwe reached in.The stupid tag WAS supposed 2 be stated 'Tan Wenjin' but they rote 'Tay Wen Qin' and I was like WTH!!!!!!! My partner was Chersy and we filmed the rehearsal[sneak previewXD], watched teacher's dance[ Mr Jiow, Ms Ho, Ms Ratulangi, Ms Indran and some other teacher's i dunno] HAHA so funny theres this part where they had 2 shake their buttsLMAO! After our dinner we prepared our gadgets and waited 4 the audience 2 come.When they came it was so crowded and packed, ppl were hugging and screaming[tsktsk] When the show started we started filming and I xchanged places wif Michelle so I was at the side and I was taking pics which was so obviousXD OVERALL I THINK THE WHOLE SHOW WAS A SUCESS WAY @ GO DANCE GALS!!! I g2g go slp now so cyaa(: |