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oohhhh i havent post for a long long time again...haix i told myself cannot use com but everything i will still use it and FORGET 2 post hahahahaha! im losing my brain cells! i keep forgetting things): im currently talking to NERDakaXIAOYU AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA she keeps changing her bloody post den keep asking me 2 refresh so i 'slapped' her on msn HAHAHA so BAA-AA hahahahahaahBAA-AA!!! OH MY...LOOK WAD SHE SAID...
`chengg says: i did super badly in exams and im gonna get back my report book this weekOMG i'll feel sick whenever i think of it. I still cant believe it i cancelled my outtting wif geng yu and wen ya lor haiyo i keep telling myself MUS GAI GUO ZI XIN but to avail): MUS DO WELL NEXT EXAM! I BEAT COURTNAYYE IN MY ENGLISHH YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! I SUCK ROCK! hahahaahhaah! courty's bdae is on sept 11th[911 dae hahahaha!] and its coming soonnnnnn haha i wana meet sara cos its like i've been toking 2 this person i duno! haha! IM IN-CHARGE OF PROPS FOR LIT! this time round its more like the apprentice cos its like u hav a team and im the 'task mananger' and i hav a budget which is $20 to get ALL of the things i nid! so hard la but at least they are giving us $$$ haha! I MUS WIN FOR MY CLASS THIS! I have decided on my path for the future...after scondary school i wana go into NYP and then NTU! NTU very hard lor do u noe that u hav 2 go 4 a interview b4 getting into the sch but if u get in that will be super good cos they collaborate wif Lucas Films Singapore and other european companies SO i mus go there if i wana earn lottsa $ being an animator! I just realised that we were starting GUITAR next term): i wana start my guitar nownownow!!haha and the other dae when i dint take chacha the principal of the dance academy came in and sorta helped ms lianne wif the dance. She made it seems like a military camp lor somemore hor the was wearing all black and on her black pants there was this word 'angel' in pinkHAHAH. I told my uncle about it and he said that alicia's class there is this girl who's name is also called angel and that she was really plump! LOL my uncle so crappy and he kept saying that my aunty who bought him a ipod 4 his bdae is giving him more stress cos he duno how 2 load the songs inside it and hes quite good at computers lor! HAHA! i g2g fetch my sis now byees(: |
OMGOMG guess wad? I finally went to the sinseh so many months after that incident cos my ankle still hurt...AND I WAS SCREAMING THE hell OUTTA MYSELF COS THE SINSEH RUB UNTIL IT WAS SO PAIN!!! Do u noe that he rubbed the bone that was hurting until it was like red??? He rubbed my leg until it was so pain that my WHOLE leg felt numb): The nurse also gave me this black tablet thingy which i hav 2 take 6tablets after every meal! LOL hahahha guess wad? Angiew asked for Francesca's number cos its francesca's birthdae 2dae HAHAHAHHA hmm....IS THERE SOMETHING GOING ON BETWEEN BOTH OF THEM? hahahahahahaha that den u hav 2 ask both of themXD I had tuition 2dae and in the end, wen ya and Geng yu dint go out osoHAHAHHA aww mabbe they wanted me 2 accompany them den go? LOL okay that was crapPLS IGNORE hahahahahaha!!! Ms Yim asked any1 who wans or aspires to be a journalist. And every1 wasnt sure except for 1 person who is Geng Yu and she said she dint wan 2 be 1 cos she isnt good in her languages-.- but ms yim kept saying she had the 'flare' of writing and everything!! HAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! im so lamb, baa-aa! |
hahahhaa i havent updated for i long time cos of my exams=x Now its finally over except for all the results which i DREAD): boohoo...Yesterdae i went out at 4pm to meet Geng Yu at the bus stop & i told her 2 be there on time. When i reached there, i received a sms from her saying she will be 15 minutes late-.- N i waited for her, thinking she would come by bus, but instead guess wad [typical rich kids] her mum fetched her thereHAHA and i was looking out 4 all the buses laLOL when she finally came we went up 2 the playground and she opened her CONTAINER of cookies. I tasted and it was okay la but abit hard=x NO OFFENCE ARH(: den i ask her 2 call steph and ask her if she wanted to join us for a 'cookie party!' haha denduno wad they were talking about. We decided 2 go up and i give her a surprise. So we walkwalkwalk 2 the lift and i wasnt really sure of the flr, ok mabbe i forgot okay..haha, so we went 2 31st 32nd and finally when we reached the 33rd flr i was her house! YAY! haha! When she opened the door she wasnt even surprised at all lor...no fun but i still had the thrill of going up diff flrs(: we spent the rest of the time at steph's hse and then gg 4 tuition and apparently WEN YA came backYAY haha new fren(: TODAE OMG IT WAS SO HORRIBLE I HAD THE HORRIBLE IDEA OF GETTING BACK MY MATHS AND CRYING LIKE HELL COS I FAILED TERRIBLY): PLEASE GOD PLEASE I CANT FAIL! I CANNOT FAIL! But we had assembly so we missed maths YAY haha well guess wad? i lost all my science wkbk and textbk): im so gonna be killed by Ms ChampionAHHH~ ): i had a bad dae so i shall sing Bad dae by daniel powter! haha joking! I hav a new name for weiling. Her new name is : LINGLINGLING.Hahahahahahah! she said its like during funerals these ppl bring the bellsHAHA! WE LEARNT HIP-HOP 2DAE! though i danced like a sao3 di4 aunty i still enjoyed it...ABIT.haha. ven dint dance 2dae cos of her sprained ankleHAHAHAHAHAHAH so in the end i partnered wif angie but she dint wan 2 partner me... and i changed to dione, kaylyn and finally 2 lindsay. kaylyn told me i dance very far apart so i decided to change and taa daa, she said i danced ok wif lindsay HAHAHA yay i achievement! WOOOHOOO!!!!! hahahahahahahaahaha i got nothing 2 say liao excepttttttttttttttttttttttttttt GOD PLEASE HELP ME WIF MY EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!! |
Sequel to box-office hit about Coast Guards, 'Umizaru'. Two years into his career as a Japan Coast Guard frogman, Daisuke Senzaki (Hideaki Ito) has matured into a seasoned diver destined to be among the CorpÂs elite. But he is haunted by past failure and the emotional strain that accompanies a job of saving lives has cast doubts in DaisukeÂs mind that threaten to destroy his relationship with Kanna.
HAPPY BIRTHDAE SINGAPORE THOUGH ITS REALLY REALLY BELATED NOW! NDP WAS SO FUN & WE FINALLY GOT OUT FUN PACKS! YAY! I WENT 4 TUITION AFTER MY NDP(: I ran from the stadium carrying 3 bags and holding my KFC dinner in my left hand and the BIG BIG BIG star balloon from this really kind xiao jie, in my right hand-.- it was so no face lor. I carried it into the mrt and every1 was staring at me! haha anyways i reached tuition at 6.30 ONLY 1/2 AN HOUR haha den my tuition mates keep asking me bout my make-up, hair blah blah blah-.- i shared nono corrrection i gave them my KFC dinner haha but too bad geng yu cant share wif us cos she had 2 go home! den i oso went home. I watched a bit of NDP i felt tt the shows r getting shorter as years go by....NO SPIRIT):
chinese was okay la jus tt i 4got how 2 write 'mai fu' haiya.....): i mus pass my chinese no matter wad...lit is on mon im not really good at arguing so yea im not tt good in lit(:
haiya ms mazlind in hospital down wif pneumonia, shes very sick. I asked christabel 2 sms me bout her situation...poor thing i feel so bad.. some how i feel im part of the cause of it? Im gg 2 ndp soon meeting seraphina at the mrt station at 10 which is about very soon.... it jus rained i hope it doesnt rain later. Theresa, angie and francesca gg 4 the ndp too. I hope i dun see frn! thresa coming 2 find me haha get balloons frm me(: Ytd was ndp celebration it was quite okay la. they had a cheerleading competition and suzanne and steph took part for their own hses which is red and green respectively. red hse got 4th YELLOW got3rd green got 2nd and blue got1st haha. after tt i went 2 do proj at novena they came 2 my hse 2 type the thing out 1st....it was quite hard doing tt survey okayy...... OMG I G2G NOW BUHBYEEEEE (: |
O.o i havent been updating..okok i shall update now(: MONDAY MS TAN'S FAREWELL...it was her last dae n they had this 'service' for her...i nearly cried la....i duno y lehh....im a weird person that's y LOL when im in situations that are sad i dun usually cry and when there are moments when ppl dun usually cry i cry...IM WEIRD(: its okay im different from other people(: TUESDAE We WERE suppossed 2 hav our info comm training 2dae so all the arts alive n ij news team ppl who were in that class stayed back including me-.- and guess wad? IN THE END WE HAD NO LESSON N STAYED BACK TILL4PM COS THE TEACHE RWAS DOWN WITH A REALLY BAD FOOD POISONING-.- inform us ealier next time!! WEDNESDAE Every1's favourite dae! hahaha no la mabbe for some ppl like me only(: i feel that wed like slack dae in sch liddat lor but when i do home hafta rush art hahaha haiya got scolding from mdm goh 4 no reason lor....i couldnt find the oil cos it was wif sam bay tan okay...hmph sam so bad hai wo): anyway i had tuition later and finally got Xiao Yu's photoHAHAHAHHA PLS REFER 2 www.girlsallowedonly.blogspot.com to see wad she thinks of her POSE hahahahaahaha!!!! THURSDAE I stayed back ytd cos my grp havent finshed the eng report yet...haiya...WE DID OUR PRESENTATION and i thing i sucked cos when i did the commercial part thingy[ we did the Richard Gere Master card 1] every1 laughed la!!haha i WAS supposed 2 be the tour guide and den Melanie thought i was the shopkeeper cos i wore the balloon hat-.- when she came 2 me i was shocked lor!! She said:"my brother is going on a journey 2nite and i would like 2 bring him good luck. 1 bird please". I paused..den i said:"that is only enough 4 1 bird[i was shaking my head like a indianLOL]" so farnie lor! O.o back 2 my report...so yea... Kaylyn, weiling and andrea went off at 2.30, 2.30, 3.05+ so i was the only 1 there doing the report under the super cold aircon): so i did the thing until about4+ den when i wanted 2 print i realised the library dint provide plain paper so i rushed down 2 get paper from the canon shop LOL! I printed the report and put it in Ms Ho's 'pidgeon hole'. I was so proud of myself lor cos i like' solo-ed' the report and it was 3 pgs long(: we also had art that dae n guess wad? Mrs zailee wants it 4 exhibition purposesYAY! i saw i got 16/20, 16/20, 16/20 (X im happy(: i hope i can request 2 go into AEP once get back all my art results! FRIDAE 2DAE! LOL u noe wad? I think 2dae MsStella Ho was okay haha! though she made those hu dint do finish their reader's digest[1 of them was me cos i dint do some questions on the vocab\= ] stand at the back of the class n do their work. Every1 came up wif MNAY ways of trying 2 do i comfortably LOL even Ms Ho laugh lor! 1 of the examples is me cos iput my leg up and did my work and i think shona or duno hu went 2 use blutack 2 stick her reader's digest on the wall so she could do her workLOL so farnie~ Well i suppose tt's all 4 the week i g2g do my tuition hw now buhbyeeeeeeee(: |