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HAH. I hav decided to blog cos of this INCIDENT or why not call it a game THAT happened today* sniggers* okay well... it goes like this. __________________were playing this game called boobs poking or something liddat I THINK YOU MAN its SICK gettid S-I-C-K* blehhh...* they were playing it before the end of recess and then they all started screming and everything, so curious me STOPPED eating my chocolate and saw them poking each others boobs and WHOA i tell you...SICK!!! suddenly Ms shanti came walking by and she kept checking out our class and the class beside us cos she dint noe which was our class-.- den duno wad they were talking den ms shanti came 2 know of the boob poking thing and she said about perverts and so on. Those girls kept giggling throughout the whole thing...i shant mention their names as I FEEL its not right ACTUALLY i think that blogging this whole thing is NOT right but still...i wrote all alr la SORRY GUYS! OH YAH and during assebly it started raining it was so cool la cos it was like having annoucements in the rainXD So after that we all ran in! So fun too bad i dint get to experience that during primary school): tmr is my English exam and chinese oral...im scared butsomehow not doing anything but I WILL. theres Singapore idol later and OUR school was like VOTE JON! -.- sorry to all the jon fans out there though he sang my favourite im still not voting for him( im bankrupt u see..) haha PLEASE that is not an excuse! We had SOVA exam today i think it was okay la i think my answers for part b were all crap but still i wrote them down its at least better than writing nothing down right...OHOH court dint come to school today! I wonder what happened to her man... |
wo zai zhe li ting bi...
Wenjin shangLOL!
I just saw my previous post was dated 9/9/2006 and I realised how long i havent posted. Whoa i so heng la my mum jus came in lucky she dint the blogger thingy if not i die)x haha.Anyways I shld be studying now BUT im jus gonna post 1 post(: im studying art now. Im trying to get the infomation into my head but it isnt going in. I will still try. My first exam is on monday which is art and then followed by english which is on tuesday and OMG I NEARLY 4GOT MY CHINESE ORAL uhoh my start practicing kou shi....im very scared after get the questions so hard den how?? I bet lao shi would be saying in her mind why is staying back 2 test some idiot like me whose chinese oral reading skills if so lousy..lol I had tuition 2dae and apparently went changed seats and bow im sitting next 2 sam and keng bang or watever his name is...cos there was this new china girl i think the new china boy and girl are sister and brother though cos their names are like very alike! Geng yu has 2 help the girl but from wad i can see shes I had better start mugging.Good Luck 4 EOYs everyone who reads this! |
IM BACK! HAHA JUST REACHED HOME AFTER A LONG DAE OF LIT PROJ...MY LEG IS HURTING): i couldnt wake up 2dae BUT thanks 2 lindsay i woke up in time! yay thks lindsay! now is the holidaes but it doesnt seem like a holidae to me lor cos everydae oso nid 2 go back 2 sch....mon & tue 10-5pm wed thur fri 8-4.30 i think): wad kinda holidae is this?? its not even called a holidae lor so sad cant chiong maple!! I've decided 2 become a ice/ lightning YAY! haha it was a tough decision between ice and lightning and cleric lor but i made up my mind(: Guess wad my parents bought a video cam and it can oso be used as a web cam! yay so happy its like a dream come true! it cost $399 from creative technologies and we bought it from the comac sale. haix so tired and sticky and i nid 2 go 2 _____________ hse 2 get the tent lor so sian...but its okay i shall still do it! do u noe that we spent like $70 on the items alr and they used my $ for some1's birthdae pressie ITS LIKE WTH LOR im gonna die my mum's gonna kill me so I DUN CARE IM GETTING THE CLASS 2 PAY MAN! im so crazy over snow patrol AND I WAN THEIR LATEST ALBUM! ahhhh some1 buy it 4 meeeeeeee! i shall maple now buhbyesssssssssssssssssssssssss((: |