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arghh.. i posted the other day and it came out on the blog a piece of blank post. So pissing and somemore the post so long la. haiya. so not to upset 'fans[though i think i dun hav any. haha]' i shall post(: im currently talking to quackquack who is at kaylyn's hse. haha. heres wad to bring for the 6orchid reunion: `chips or maggi mee OR soft drinks `$5 `$$ for theme parks[either excape or wildwildwet] `yourself its on 16th and 17th november. you can stay over but im not. that should be all(: i lvled on maple. i begged kaylyn to join me on cass. she did. i trained her. shes now lvl16. hah yay im such good shifu. I feel like lvling court's acc. haha and dawn's. hehe. please go listen to- ~lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off by Panic! At the disco ~welcome to the black parade by My chemical romance because it rocks.heh. |
I think getting paid to do stuff at home is so fun. More work please. Haha. But the bad thing is getting injured WHILE doing it and that was what happened. I fell down on the slippery wooden floor on my home and sufferred injuries which are a scaped arm and a swollen ankle BUT thank gos itts not the ankle which i previously sprained my ankle on.
SO relax people. im fine im fine. i have this HUGE urge to change my skin. Blog skin i mean. ohmy deathnote deathnote. its been the talk of the town and i wana watch it.
this is wenjin reporting live from her home(:
PFFT. Pathetic. Ms Yim asked for our results 2dae. 1 thing to say it sucked): WOKAYWOKAY my results suck okay? Haiya.. even after exams also stressed-.- I HATEYOUIHATEYOU xp The haze is FINALLY gone. IT killed me during maths paper when i studied so hard. eff you haze. eff off. the news said they should be gone by the end of the month and PRAY they will be gone for GOOD. I do not wan any haze killing me for next year's exams okay. HAH im listening to Tokyo Drift the song i sorta 'hated'. I cant believe Tsi ying went to her fren's house and not tell her parents about it. Make everyone so worried. But the feeling was kind of like exhilarating cos it was like CSI trying to find out bout the mystery x) I<3csi> |
I wana change my blogskin. I wana make my own like Theresa[ www.----dash.blogspot.com ] see so nice right. im gonna be better. wait.
Im gonna go to anita's house soon byee(:
HOHOHO exams are OVER. They are HISTORY! YAY! i finally took some time to post cos im been mapling like siao. The other day I read a report called "Mad About computer OR mad Over computer" its about this guy who played too much games that he ACTUALLY went mad! OMG i was wondering if i was going to become like thatOo . So scary. I cant believe it that we hav infocomm on thurs if not i could enjoy for 1 more dae lahh): pfft. I think im gonna do badly for home econs AGAIN. shit. How? Wo si ding liao. Haix i shouldnt ponder over it anymore(: i wana change my skin. I wana get gachapon. i want everything to happen my way. i wana ENJOY but cannot. Cos i hav 2 do dishes everyydae. wth. T.T I crashed my class blog. Im so gonna die. i tried all ways but to no avail. diediedie. they're gonna come after me with choppers or even parangs! Idun wana Die that early okay.. Im still very err...... young? LOL. mad. haha. I think im gonna maple nowXD im gonna catch up wif RYAN CHUA FENG CHUN'S LVL ALREADY. yipee(: |