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HELLOS. I am and was too busy mapling to blogxD i jus realised that i have holidae hw. i 4got all about it. the teachers are such holidae spoilers but nevermind, next year streaming year. Mus do well(: GUESS WAD! i watched BATTLE ROYALE! so bloody and gruesome. Den the next dae i watched CREEP. ALL BLOODY SHOWS. the CREEP hor, the maneating doc was very scary, brrr, the way he killed mary or some girl. omg i tell you he sliced and chopped her like he was a butcher cutting up pigs or worse than that! LOL for battle royale i shant stat here cos i wan my NIECE to watch it 1st(: MUAHAHAHAHAHA! I went for 6orchid reunion. SO FUN! i played at the arcade and played finish all the lvls for a RACING CAR game and got all 1st YAY! be happy people, dun be jealous(: dere was this xbox in the room but dere was no game-.- |
PART ONE: Just answer the questions. As easy as ABC.
1. how old do you wish you were?
i want to be 1months old so i can start my life all over again and be a better perosn=x
2.Where you when 9/11 happened?
I was watching the news and seeing people falling outta buildings.
3. what do you do when vending machines steal your money?
i would hit the vending machine, bang it, curse, swear and make sure i either get a drink or my $$ back!
4. do you consider yourself kind?
5. if you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
hrm i dun intent to get 1 anyway. see im a good girl.
6. if you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
wenjin's language(:
7. do you know your neighbours?
yeapp. i even greet them. this is evidence that i AM kind.hah.
8. what do you consider a vacation?
hrmm. getting to visit a forensic office and do what they do(: ILOVEYOUCSI:MIAMI
9. do you follow your horoscope?
sometimes. actualy i dun really care cos i always forget what they say=x
10. would you move for the person you love?
depends on moving what.LOL.
11. are you touchy feely?
huh. whats dat?
12. do you believe that opposites attract?
opposite what? poles? male or female? LOL.
13. dream job?
the 1st singaporean director to direct a movie that will go into worldwide box office.HAH. or mabbe like forensic scientist like CSI:D
14. favourite tv channels?
AXN!AXN!AXN! although i dont have that channel):
15. favourite place to go on weekends?
wo bu zhi dao.
16. showers or baths?
hrm..both oso can lo.
17. do you paint your nails?
nope. im a goodygoody.
18. do you trust people easily?
depends. looks can be deceiving.BEWARE.
19. what are your phobias?
COCKROACHES.omg i hate them i would scream the hell outta myself.serious.
20. do you want kids?
why not. haha but worry bout who youre gonna marry 1st.
21. do you keep a handwritten journal?
no. too lazy to update:x
22. where would you rather be now?
playing maple and lvling and being in a ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT free of charge restaurant with nice food.
23. who makes you warm and fuzzy?
aww. blanky!
24. heavy or light sleeper?
light. lol. i can sleep at 5am and wake up at 9 and do that again.
25. are you paranoid?
depends. and depends if u hate me or not.HAHA.
26. are you impatient?
27. who can you relate to?
myself. haha.
28. how do you feel about interracial couples?
wah. cheem man.
29. have you been burned by love?
yeah. when my com gets send for repairing.
30. what's your pick-up line?
cheenah. haha.
31. what's your main ringtone on your mobile?
snow patrol chasing cars!
32. what were you doing at midnight last night?
staring into the blank wall):
33. what did the last text on your mobile say?
weiling saying she can go for the infocomm thingy but doesnt have a consent form-.-
34. whose bed did you sleep in last night?
my bed la. den whose? -.-
35. what colour shirt are you wearing?
white calvin and hobbies shirt.
36. most recent movie you watched?
scorpion king. it was shown on channel 5 on sundayXD
37. name three things you have on at all times.
my brain, my body and clothes.
38. what colour are your bedsheets?
39. how much cash do you have right now?
real cash or maple's reel cash?HAHA
40. what's your favourite part of the chicken?
drumstick. duh. hehe IM HUNGRYYYYYYYYYYY.
41. i can't wait till:
i lvl up to lvl100.
43. what did you have for dinner last night?
hrm..OHOH fish and rice and andd erm. cant remember:X
44. how tall are you barefoot?
i duno. but shorter than gengyu):
45. do you own a gun?
YEAHYEAH those big bazookas. it'll BLOW u off.
46. what do you prefer to drink in the morning?
lol i dunno.
47. where do you think you'll be in 10 years?
gratuate frm NTU.
48. last thing you ate?
bread and sausages.
49. what songs do you sing in the shower?
songs i like=x
50. last thing that made you laugh?
the flushed away commercial. the part where the guy screamed and then the slug screamed upon seeing him and tried to get away but was too slow.HAHAAHA.
51. worst injury you ever had?
spraining my ankle which hasnt recovered yet.
52. does someone have a crush on you?
nah. i dont think so.
53. what's your favourite candy?
sour long green gummy like sweet. ilurvesourstuff. i can eat them non stop.
54. what song do you want played at your funeral?
my fav song. currently its welcome to the black parade and lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking off her clothes. so long right? XD
oohlala commercial break for survivor and im not enjoying the commercial break. cmon survivor start! oh start alr brb. back again. OH YEAH im posting because i hafta apologise to lou for noy beng able 2 attend her farewell party. SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY. IM SO SORRY I CANT GO FOR YOUR FAREWELL PARTY. tsktsk. i feel very bad sia. OH start alr. BRB again. OH back again. haha my dear niece is writing me a dedication. yay! see. i have a nice niece. hopefully she writes something nice hehe. |