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After lunch we had some conflict resolution thingy. They made us play games. WOAH. i tell you, the games were SO CHEEEEEM. it was like THINKING GAMES. My head totally went blank for the games. BUTBUT, some parts like the EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION thingy was super funny. Especially Andrea and her funny antics!
At 4 we had WET & WILDDDDD. AAAH. GET DOWN AND DIRTYYYYY. We played water bombs, body bowling, BODY PARTS, spitting water onto a bottle on ur teammate's head, PUTTING YOUR HAND INTO A BUCKET OF MEALWORMS, wrestling, etc. LOTS OF INJURING GAMES): but it was fun!
Had shower, i washed my hair with the hose in between St Raphael and St Gabriel block anddddd i didnt wash my body. stank like crazyyyyy. Had dinner then we proceeded to the dance studio for a talk with Brother Michael from SJI. hahah! his talk was REALLY funny! so enjoyable!
BEDTIME, or so, i thought. Lindsay hid under her sleeping bag while she was sleeping-.-
THENNN AT ABT 4AM, the instructors woke us all up luh! WTH. They just started banging on our doors and all>:( Then we had to do morning excercises and some dressing parade( changing clothes in 5mins-.-) FOLLOWED BT OBSTACLE COURSE IN THE MORNING. They poured coffee all over us while doing the chair game, made us crawl on the grass with mud and coffee, made us put our hands into buckets to pick out gummy bears, soap people with our hairs, catch people & RUN 4 ROUNDS ROUND THE TRACK! WHICH, lead to my fall. yes. i fell down while piggybacking sam tai. she fell on my head and i hit my whole jaw onto the cold, hard track. My teeth hit my lips and my whole mouth went NUMB. i couldnt feel anything as it was super pain:/ Mr jiow gave me A COLD BOTTLE OF WATER to numb the pain cos he couldnt find a ice pack-.-
Went for breakfast at the market. I had fever): soon we packed up & went home! I MADE NEW FRIENDS(:
Last day of sch on friday. Got back poa paper. DID WORSE:( Got back chinese. FAILED BY ONE PATHETIC MARK>: ( Got back chem paper. just passed. Thank God:D
I brought like 5items to sch that day luh! all of aa's provisions were inside. HOW COOL IS THAT. without me, they would like die or smethn:)